JBO SpeakEasy 121 is a private text based conversation (chat) system.
JBO SpeakEasy 121 is a private text based conversation (chat) system which allows two users to directly connect, computer to computer, across the Internet.
For a conversation to take place, each user must have installed SpeakEasy 121. One user will need to act as the host for the conversation by switching SpeakEasy 121 to Listen. The other user may then Connect to the host by entering the IP address of the first user. This IP address may be notified via email, a hidden web page, or such other means as may be appropriate. SpeakEasy 121 can help you discover your IP address if required.
Messages sent using SpeakEasy 121 are automatically encrypted using a simple yet effective method which is unique to SpeakEasy. Messages are automatically decrytped on receipt and the users only ever see the messages in plain language. Thus your conversation is secured from anyone attempting to intercept it. Conversations may be saved (in plain language) at any time for future reference. A conversation log reader utility is included with the SpeakEasy 121 package.